Webcast recorded Tues, March 10, 2pm ET/11am PT
Our intent this year is to shift mindsets and offer product manufacturers more ways to leverage their product transparency investments to create business value. Thus, our theme is: From ‘disclosure’ to brand value: Integrating product transparency into product marketing.
The 2015 SM Transparency Report Framework and Program:
What's new includes:
Create an SM Transparency Report™ (our brand of EPD) using any PCR in any industry. Manufacturers will now have a choice of what and how to deliver on product transparency.
Your branded product information will be in the cloud, not encoded in PDFs. New Transparency Products include:
Join us to learn about how the 2015 SM Transparency Report Program helps to inform greener product decisions, drives continual environmental improvements and builds a credibly greener brand.
You’ll want to attend if you are a:
Sustainable Minds® is a B2B cloud provider of environmental product transparency applications, services & data. We believe that better design makes the complex clear. Design & customer experience is at the core of all we do.
* Material analysis method agnostic
PCR = product category rule
LCA = life cycle assessment
EPD = environmental product declaration